Torpid Social Golf Club


Starter Chas
Starter Chas
31 Ducks
31 Ducks
Presentation Covid Style
Presentation Covid Style
Bish - at Leura on the correct day!
Bish - at Leura on the correct day!
Relaxing after a gruelling day
Relaxing after a gruelling day
The Boyz
The Boyz
Winner Rik
Winner Rik
Pres & Sec
Pres & Sec
Warm up on the 1st Tee
Warm up on the 1st Tee
The Mountains
The Mountains
Comparing notes or the menu
Comparing notes or the menu
Mark rearing to go!
Mark rearing to go!
Social distancing on the terrace.
Social distancing on the terrace.
Terrible trio
Terrible trio
Mmmm tastes good
Mmmm tastes good
Lunch. For two!
Lunch. For two!
The trophy at Rik's place.
The trophy at Rik's place.

Leura - 2021

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